
~- .. -·-•···•·•···- ... - ....... •·•·•·······•·•·•·•·•·•· .... ~ . • 10) Honey. . · . · · • • . . f l · · · i t 11) Grapes and other fruits. i ii FO9DS AB(?UT WHICH.OUR NABI t ( _;l:.,j~Zul~ ) HAS MENTIONED l it' BENEFITS OR PRAISED. It Oranges, onions, garlic, the black aromatic f seed nigella-indica (kalunji), mustard seed, fenugreek (methi), dry ginger, olive oil honey, apple, fat, bor, aloes etc. (NASHRUT-TIB) i F EATING . o wash .hands' and gargle mouth before and · after eating. I f S.2. To make intention: that I am eating to gain i . strength for making Allah ( ~~~ )'s ibadat I f (worship). (ATTARGHEEB) i t • S.3. Our Nabi (.:i:,_;~~1~) used to induce people f i to be sparing .in their eating and he used to 1 · i . say let one third of the stomach be for food, f one third for water and one third be left for t ~~~-=~~~.'.~-~-~-I~.(~-.~.:.~~:~~-~:-..~.~:. ~:A! ____ ·-<§>------