.......... •·•·•· ... -·-··"·· ........ ·-;,·· ~~ ():.,.,59~:tu,~) ate only when he was hungry' and stopped eating ~hen he could still eat , -:- i.e. he never ate to nis fill. • 5.4. To eat with the right hand, similarly when taking food from or when giving to someone the right hand should be used. (IBN-E-MAJAH) S.S. To eat together and not individually. (ABU DAWOOD) NOTE: To remain absolutely silent whilst eating is Makrooh (Sh~'lli). However·one should not speak of nauseating · things or grief as it may cal'c;" others · · loose their appetites . ., S.6. The greater the r.umher of people eat!ng i together shall mean greater blessings ar,d barkat. (MISHKAAT) In all conditions we shou'd be satisfie~ cind content with the food we g2t; no ~,atter what l the quantity or type is. We should always be I: happy and regard it as a bounty from Allah i.;· • (;,.'ij,.~). (MALIK) : i S.S. To sit on the floor and eat in any one of the I ' . t~---····....··-····-............................_ ......___..._ ..__ A -----<§>------'-----