r-::~::;i~:~:::::::::~~~ -~~-:~~ i even if one had not relieved himself. Wudhu i i should then be made in accordance to the f I sunnat mettiod. However the feet could be f i washed at the end of ghusl if used water • i does not flow off. Water should then be i J poured over the head, right and le~ shoulders t t three times each. One should ensure that i i water reaches every part of the body not • • forgetting the mouth and nostrils. (TIRMIZI) i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f S.3 Both, to wipe the body dry or not to, are i i sunnat, with either method one can make i • ♦ 1 the intention of practising upon a sunnat. ! 1 *NOTE:If the hair of a woman is plaited she is excused from ! f loosening her plaited hair but it is compulsory for her j i to wet the base of each and every hair. If she fails to l f do this then the ghusl will not be valid. IF A SINGLE f f HAIR IS LEFT DRY GHUSL WILL NOT BE VALID. f i Men who grow long hair and plait them are not excused i i from leaving th_eir plaits dry. If a woman is unable to i i wet the very bottom of her pla ited hair, then it is i i necessary for her to unplait and wash her entire hair. i • • • • i S.4 It is mustahab (preferable) to clean the body f i by rubbing it. All parts of the body should i i be rubbed with the hands to ensure that f • • t water reaches every part of the body. f • • ~~- ~ ~ ..................................................................................... ~ ---0---