
~ ...... ··•···• ...... ··•···· ··········· ....... ······• ··•·····•·•. -~ t SUNNATS OF DRINKING · .) I 5.1. Water and all other halaal liquids should be I • consumed with the right hand as shaitaan f uses the left hand for eating and drinking. t (KHA5AIL-E-NABAWI) I 5.2. To drink in three separate sips. (TIRMIZI) I 5.3. To recite blsmillah:and alhamdulillah after I t drinking. (BUKHARI) • i • 5.4. Not to blow into any hot drink for cooling. i (ABU DAWOOD) i S.S. To sit and drink, our Nabi c,L,;,,;.i~:.ii~) has I f prohibited the drinking of water standing. i (ZADUL-MA'AD) i ♦ i 5.6. To stand and drink zamzam water and water i left over after making wudhu. (TIRMIZI) f · ! s. 7. To soak dates or grapes iii water at night I : and to drink this solution in the morning. f i However if due to excessive heat it ferments, i it is not permissible to consume it as it shall ♦ ~ then be haraam. ~~---------_ ..... ______ __,. ------QB>------