~-··········· ---------······················· ··-~~ • the musjid, as an act of thanksgiving, one should , i read two ra'kaats nafl prayer (known as tahiyyatul f • • • f musjid). This is aiso mustahab. (TIRMIZI) l ' i f NOTE: As mentioned earlier, in regard to the fajr salaat, care t i should be .taken that, the following are performed as 1 1 I prescribed by sunnat:- • Wudhu for namaaz, leaving the house, entering and • . ' f sitting in the musjid, straightening of safs (rows) , l whilst reading namaaz with jammat. ! • i f 5.2. To recite four rakaats Sunnat-e-Muakkadah l ! before ano two rakaat Sunnat-e-Muakkadah f l after the four farz of zohr. l f NOTE:One shall earn the reward of Tahajjud for these four f f t • Rakaats read before the Farz of Zohr. (ATTARGHEEB) i • • • • f 5.3 . .Jf one has arrived late, when jamaat has i • • i riser,, to perform salaat, he should hasten l by walking briskly to join the jamaat but i i should not run in so doing. (TIRMIZI) t t • i 5.4. Those people who are more learned in the l . ' i laws relating to Salaat should stand behind 1 the Imaam. (TIRMIZI) t l . I i S.S. It has been narrated that Nabi ~.,~~,~~), i ~ .. ········· .. ····--------· ............. ~ -----<§>------