
,,,1"-_...._____......-...._ .._ ..-........____......_ ....___.. _~~ • S. 5. As the sun begins to set we should not allow , 1 children to go outside of our homes and if i t they are outside then we should ensure that t i they are called in because it is at this time i • • l that groups of shaytaans move around. i t ! 1 It is at this time that the magrib salaat shall : i be read. Ensure that the sunnats before the reading l • of magrib salaat are fulfilled. These sunnats are i not again repeated. Please reter to them ~nd t remember to fulfil them at all five salaats. l t MAGRIB SALAAT . ' • S.1. After the magrib azaan and before the farz 1 of magrib no sunnat namaazes should be } read. It is advisable, however, to read the following dua: I t 6,,,~,✓3 l,;;s 9 ~~k,S\'JJdl\il;~~u, t t ~Jj ~ u . .... .... - . ;' i • • I ~~~~~ l I AL LAW HUf:1 MA HAA ?AA IQ BAA LU LAY LIKA WA ID BAA ! l RU NA HAA RIKA WA US WAA TU DU ~AA TIKA FUG FIR LEE. : ' . • • t O! Allah ( ~~:►.. ) this is the hour of the ) 'lr~. - ~~ ~ ................................................................................~F -----<§>------