~~ ........................................................................................ ~~ ~ ~ , tayammum will suffice. · , . ; ♦ i ♦ I ♦ t 5.28. To recite 33 times SoebhanalJah (illl 0~), i i 33 times Alhumdulillah ( , Jl, ~I ), 34 i ! times Allahu Akbar ( _;tf UH,, ) and Kalim~ ! i toyyiba once before sleeping. (MISHKAAT) i i i 1 5.29. To keep the mussalla (prayer mat) for tahajjud i l prayer besides the head before sleeping. ! (NISAAI) : . ' i 't f 5.30. If one has experienced a pleasant dream and • i wishes to relate it to somebody then he i i should relate it to a learned and i i compassionate person so that it is interpreted } f correctly. After a nightmare, one should t f read : - f • ,,,,,, I~ , o,,,,. • ·1' ~ ?~'l- la~:Jl< 4~3'~l i ~-- /~j-J u ... ~, . ~ . / / / f f A 00 ZU BIL LAA HE ME NUSH SHA! TAW NIR RA JEEM. • i i ♦ • } once and spit or blow on the left side thrice . 1 i One should also change the side of sleep and should t t not mention such dreams to anyone and, Insha t t Allah, no harm shall become that person . i ~ , (BUKHARI AND MUSLIM) i ~~ -~ ~~ ................................................................................... ~ -----<§>------