
FOREWORD Almighty Allah ( ~~~ ) has declared in the Quran Kareem: "Today I have perfected your Deen and have completed My Favor upon you and I am well pleased with Islam as your religion (Deen)" Being a complete, final and perfect religion, Islam offers an all-embracing, comprehensive Code of Life; so much so that its teachings and directives extend to people from all walks of life in every aspect of their existence. However, this perfection emanating from Islamic teachings can only be attained through the study and practice of the instruction of our beloved Nabi Hazrat Muhammed ( ;1.._;~:u,~ ). As a Muslim, it ts essential, among other things, for one to have a sound knowledge concerning the Hazrat Muhammed (;l:..j~:U,~); for around his life resolves every teaching of Islam. Following the Sunnah of the Prophet ( ;l..__;~:u,1~ ) is a pre-condition for obtaining the love of Allah ( ~~~ ). In the following verse of the Quran Kareem, the beloved Nabi (;l;.,_;~:u,1~) is being told to inform mankind:- . ' "say if you love Allah ( ~~~), follow me; Allah ( ~~~) will love you. " A thorough knowledge of the Sunnah of beloved Nabi (;l;.,__;~:u,1_µ) gives one a deep understanding of proper Islamic practices. In this book the learned author has portrayed the Sunnah of the beloved Nabi ( ~j~:U,1~) on virtually every face of life. Sunnats pertaining to acts of worship, social functions, communications between people, miscellaneous dealings, transaction and many other practices have been well-documented.